domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

How to remove Bing search engine from Firefox address bar

Okay, first entry.

I sometimes use windows and I still like more Firefox over Google Chrome, some three days ago I was editing a ppt presentation when I felt like opening my facebook and burning a couple of minutes over there or reading some news, you know, the usual stuff...

After opening FFox and typing the name of a local newspaper that should have gotten me directly to their home page I was shocked to se a lot of results that were definitely "not" what I was searching for. WTF??? I thought, I was pretty sure I hadn't select bing as my default search engine, why would I ??? I can never find anything there.

After a little research I found how to remove bloody bing and restore good old google, the solution was to reset the url value, it seems some people who updated to ff 4 and have a personas extention also have this issue. Lets see how to reverse this:
1. First, In the address bar type:

    and press enter / return

    You should see something like the image on the right.
    Select "I'll be careful I promise"
    2. Second, you will see a lot of odd lines and names, just ignore them and type:


    3. Third, right click the line and select "reset"

    And there you go, you should be back to Saint Google just like it normally was.

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